Locally made with love
12 permanent creators
This lovely boutique in central Lyon showcases the original work of 12 permanent creators and artisans plus 3 guest artistans who all live in or near Lyon.
Ecoprinted clothes, jewellery, ceramics, bags, books and much much more
All the products in 7ici are handmade by the local creators, using traditional creative processes. They share a shop, a workspace for creative workshops and general communication.
The 7ici collective project allows the artisans dynamic artistic interactions locally while multiplying their collective reach.
Guest artisans
The 7ci collective aims to spot new local talent and encourages encounters and exchanges.
To this end they welcome 3 new designers every two months, so you are sure to find new and inspiring handmade products.
Learn a new skill
Workshops and courses
The permanent designers regularly offer introductory courses in their arts. They offer a range of workshops at different levels and can even help you with more elaborate projects,.
They also offer this space for hire to outside designers who wish to run workshops during opening hours.
The fun fashion parade on Place des Capucins - Lyon
Unleash your artistic talents!
Every October, the 7ici team puts on a fun-filled fashion show based on a creative theme. The permanent members of the collective, along with a host of volunteers, create outfits that are sometimes outlandish, sometimes spectacular, sometimes poetic.
Everyone is welcome to take part or just come along and join in the fun on the big day.
Watch the 7ici fun fashion show on the theme of 'words' here
“You don't have to be a designer or artist to take part: every outfit made for the occasion and in line with the theme will of course have its place!”
The artisans at 7ici about their October fashion parade